Monday, November 20, 2017

I am a little obsessed

I can't believe it's been just over five years since Dan passed away. Often it feels like a moment ago, but then I look at the children and how they have grown and realize just how far we have come.

The J Team
Which brings me to the Haggis and Herring.  Dan and I loved/love food. We had so many fun adventures trying out new recipes and it was frequently our weekend entertainment.  I really miss it.  Now, in fairness,  the cooking part was always Dan's turf.  I was in charge of baking and eating.  Truth be told I am about ten pounds lighter than when he was alive. Silver lining?

With Dan gone feeding the boys has fallen to me. And it's been quite the journey to get to a place where 80% of our meals aren't being prepared by someone else.

The impact of Dan's death has dealt repeated blows over there years,  one of the first was when I went to the grocery store for the first time.  I suddenly realized I hadn't been "in charge" of groceries for a long time and had zero clue what I was doing.  It was kind of hilarious. In his A type manner, Dan wrote a  comprehensive list before he shopped based on the meal plan for the week. I set out with my half working bereavement/pregnancy brain with only a vague idea of what I need, realized I had no idea where things were in the store because I hadn't been in years, resulting in me backtracking all over the store and finally arriving back home all kinds "stuff" none of which could be combined to make any kind of  normal meal. Thankfully Jeremy who was two at the time and is affectionately known as "the Garbage Can" would eat anything.

Five Years Later

Fast forward to today.  This past summer I finally able to fulfill our original plan for the house which was to remodel the kitchen. It was somewhat emotional to tear out the kitchen where Dan spent so much time creating his masterpieces but it was time and I was happy to see the end of the green cupboards. If you never got to see them, yes they were as bad as you are picturing!

I am thrilled with the end result.  Isn't she isn't she pretty? Almost too pretty to use...... kidding!

Needless to say, I am obsessed with my new kitchen and the library of manuals to work all my new appliances.

I have had a few adventures in the new kitchen and the boys are thrilled that we once again have a working oven that will produce cookies.

Recipes by the Haggis and the Herring: tasty world recipes tested in our kitchen
Try other tasty recipes

1 comment:

  1. I was surprised when the post popped up on my feed. Bittersweet. Kitchen is wonderful. Have a great time perusing through those manuals and I wish you the very best this holiday season.


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